A short documentary was filmed about last year's mental health rally by Brave New Films! It was an amazing experience.
Check out the video. ⤵

How to Identify
Prefer to learn through reasoning and problem-solving
Some Study Tips
Aim to understand the reasons behind your content and skills
Create and use lists by extracting key points from your material
Remember association works well when it is illogical and irrational
Highlight your ability to pick up systems and procedures easily
Systems thinking helps you understand the bigger picture
You may find it challenging to change existing behaviors or habits
If you often focus from analysis paralysis, write 'Do It Now' in big letters on some signs or post-it notes
Try breaking down large selections of material and divide them into smaller segments that fit together
Able to see a pattern and compare it to a personal experience in a way
Use graphs and charts in textbooks, and if there aren't any, then you can create your own
Build models, timelines, charts

How to Identify
Prefer to learn through patterns, songs, rhythms, instruments, and musical expression
Some Study Tips
Use sound, rhyme, and music in your learning
Use sound recordings to provide a background and help you get into visualizations
When creating mnemonics or acrostics, make the most of rhythm and rhyme, or set them to a jingle or part of a song
If you have some particular music or song that makes you want to 'take on the world' play it back and anchor your emotions state
Ask the professor questions during lessons
Ask your teacher if you can record the lesson and then after classes, listen to the recording and take notes with them if that helps
Watch videos on YouTube or Kahn Academy
Try tapping while you read your notes
Use mnemonic devices
Read your notes out loud to yourself
Participate in class discussions or have some friends get together and have a discussion

How to Identify
Prefer to learn through interaction with your environment and building concrete experiences
Some Study Tips
Focus on the sensations you would expect in each scenario
For assertions and scripting describe the physical feelings of your actions
Use physical objects as much as possible
Keep in mind as well that writing and drawing diagrams are physical activities
Use-role-playing, either with singularity or with someone else, to practice skills or behaviors
Find an ideal study place, perhaps with extra room for movement and engagement
Take plenty of notes
Try study activities that involve a physical object, like arranging timelines on notecards
Teach others
Find a way to be active while you study
Take regular breaks

How to Identify
Prefer to learn through interactions with others and work collaboratively
Some Study Tips
Aim to work with others as much as possible
Role-playing is a technique that works well with others, whether it's one on one or with a group of people
Work on some associations and visualizations with other people
Try sharing your key findings with others
Working in groups to practice behaviors or procedures help you understand how to deal with variations
Try teaching one another
Take advantage of any collaborative activities your instructor sets up
Show family and friends what you're learning
Set goals for your study sessions
Form some outlines, checklist, or graph

How to Identify
Prefer to learn though values, feelings, and attitudes
Some Study Tips
Planning, making lists, and sticking to an agenda
You prefer learning alone using self-study
Align your goals and objectives with personal beliefs and values
Create a personal interest in your topics
When you associate and visualize, highlight what you would be feeling at that time
You drive yourself by the way you see yourself personally
Modeling is a powerful technique for you
Your thoughts have a significant influence on your performance and safety
Find a quiet study space that you can be alone in
Take time to write down your goals and set deadlines for completing them
Review the materials with flashcards or outlines and set a deadline for when you finish the session

How to Identify
Prefer to learn through written and spoken words (reading, listening, speaking, writing)
Some Study Tips
Try the techniques that involve speaking and writing
Make the most of word-based techniques such as assertations and scripting
Record your scripts using a tape or digital audio recorder (such as a MP3 player), and uses it later for reviews
Take lots of notes, but in your own words
Rewrite these notes after class and organize them
You might want to try teaching your friends the material that you want to review
Read your notes aloud to yourself and try to explain it as if you were explaining it to a person who did not understand the material
Find lectures online, such as Kahn Academy

How to Identify
Prefer to learn visually and organize ideas spatially
Some Study Tips
Use images, pictures, color, and other visual media to help you learn
Use color, layout, and spatial organization in your associations, and use many 'visual words' in your assertations
Use mind maps
Replace words with pictures and use color to highlight major and minor links
Highlight different things in different colors, for example, important information, new terms, questions, connections, and other things you find useful in different colors
Organize your notes, try rewriting your notes or try to add a mindmap to your notes as you review them; try to connect the core ideas
If there aren't textbook figures and drawings then draw pictures and try creating your own figures
Watch documentaries or videos